Health Coaching with me

Are you ready to take charge of your health?

Here are the different ways you can work with me to optimise your health.

Wether you want to rebuild your digestive strengthen (microbiome), regain your energy (chronic fatigue), improve your immune response (robust immune defense), find back to deeper restorative sleep (deep healing), I’ve got you.

I will teach you how to use food as medicine, how to cook efficiently with whole foods, understand the effects of seasonal energetics and longevity principles Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda as well as Western science based health tactics. My mission is to empower you with all this, so that you what your body needs to thrive.

Together we will set your goals and create a plan to help you reach those goals. I will help support you with tools, tricks, motivational support and recipes to stay on track!

1:1 Coaching Programs

Reclaim your Gut Health

Are you tired of a lack of energy? Or constantly catching each flu or cold that is making the rounds? Do you want to learn how to optimise your health in realistic and sustainable ways? Gaining tools for life?

This offering is designed help you regain your health with small but powerful changes to your daily habits. Tailored to your health goals while focusing on strengthening digestion.

This program will give you tools to improve sleep, better digestion, stronger immune system, more energy, what ever your goal is, this program will equip you with the knowledge and tools to help improve all these areas to which the sum is optimal health.

Duration: 4 months

What you get:

  • Knowledge on how to strengthen and support digestion from Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda

  • 4 x seasonal recipe bundles (each containing 14-17 each recipes)

  • Supportive take-away materials as as;

  • foods to avoid and include - pantry essentials list - guide to using spices as medicine - 10 guiding concepts for better digestion - how to build your meals to stabilise blood sugar - pro+prebiotic foods list - how to beat a sweet tooth 

  • In-depth, personalised diet & well-being review

  • Tailored health advice, based on your goals

  • My 5 Step Gut Reset guide

  • How to use food as medicine (food energetics)

  • Understanding how to use seasonal living to optimise health

  • Optional: Constitutional review; dosha Quiz + a review of how to best support your dosha type

5x 1:1 coaching sessions (1x 90min, 2x 50min, 2x 30min)

Price: 333 euro total (3 instalments of 111 euro)

All currencies accepted

Gut Healing Program

Do you suffer from digestive issues? Bloating, food sensitivities, IBS, SIBO, Acid Reflux, leaky gut, allergies, skin issues, constipation or diarrhoea on a regular basis?

This program is designed to healing your gut. Which when functioning optimally also enhances the functions of your brain, hormones and immune system.

Over the course of 4 months we will equip you with knowledge, tools and strategies to heal your gut.

Duration: roughly 4 months

What you get:

  • In-depth, personalised diet & well-being review

  • In-depth program on how to heal gut issues

  • Knowledge on how to build + sustain gut health

  • Tools and strategies on how to use Food as Medicine to heal your gut

  • Learn principles from Traditional Chinese Medicine to strengthen digestive power

6x 1:1 coaching sessions (1x 90min, 2x 50min, 3x 30min)

  • 4 x seasonal recipe bundles (each containing 14-17 each recipes)

  • Supportive take-away materials such as;

  • Gut healing + supportive foods overview, gut healing supplements, gut healing recipes, an overview of pre+probiotics foods and more, food list for constipation relief, tips on how to reduce blood sugar spikes and many more…

Price: 560 euro total

(4 instalments of 140 euro)

All currencies accepted

1:1 Coaching Single Sessions

Do you feel your immune system needs a reboot, or is your digestion sluggish?

Then you need my Simple 5 Step Gut Reset guide

This Gut Reset was designed to improving gut health by promoting a healthy balance of gut bacteria and optimizing your digestive processes. 

Based on 5 simple steps that are easy to integrate into your daily habits. You might even find that you hold onto some of these new habits even after completing the reset.

5 Step Gut Reset Consultation

Duration: 50min ~ 1:1 consultation

What you get:

  • 5 Step Gut Reset Guide PDF (includes foods to include & exclude)

  • Tailored advice and guidance on the 5 Step Gut Reset

  • Gut healing + supportive foods overview

  • supportive recipe

Price: 70 euro total

Dosha Review

Do you want to better understand how to balance your dosha type?

Knowing how to support your dosha will help you feel more balanced in body & mind and also help you better understand yourself.

Let’s go over triggers, weak spots and strengths of your dosha type. I will give you tailored advice based on your circumstances.

Duration: 40 minutes

What you get: Dosha Quiz + results. Personalised review of your dosha type along with an extended overview on the strengths and weaknesses of your dosha.

Price: 45 euro

What Clients say

"The program offered by Stephanie has been a great investment into my health. I can highly recommend the program but most importantly Stephanie as a coach if you are looking for a step change in how you nurture your body through nutrition."

Magdalena Gadatsch

“Stephanie has widened my horizon on all kinds of health benefits, tips and tricks which has been incredibly helpful. From simple soothing teas to incredible powerful supplements and adaptogens. I’m much more in tune with my body thanks to her.”

Fleur Trossel

“Stephanie is an incredible resource. She has not only provided lists of healing foods and tonics to address my health issues, but her own book is a wealth of information for my ongoing education about gut health and optimum care for my aging body. I highly recommend her services and look forward to more of her resourceful and creative tips online.”

Barbara Von Schreiber

After my second pregnancy I felt like I needed support from a fellow TCM thinker to reset my digestion system. I looked to Stephanie and I was not disappointed. She was easy to talk to and gave me the encouragement and support I needed. I highly recommend Stephanie if you need a professional with a warm and nourishing approach

Aldis Sigridur Sigurdardottir