Fermented Buckwheat Bread

Gluten Free!!

This bread is mind blowing, it toasts so well. It’s chewy and slightly sour like a proper sourdough bread. Also did I mention, super easy to make. Mostly you have to have patience while the fermentation does it’s thing.


  • 350 g Raw Buckwheat Groats

  • 250 g Water

  • 1/3 tbsp Salt

  • Optional - Seeds: 2 tsp sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, poppy - seeds (add into dough or ontop)


  1. Rinse: Rinse the grouts. 

  2. Soak: To start the fermentation process, you need to soak the buckwheat groats in water for 12 hours. Add the groats to a glass or ceramic bowl, and cover with water. There should be at least 3 cm of water above the top of them as they do absorb some of the water and will ‘grow’ a bit. Cover the bowl with a tea towel and leave it on the counter for at least 12 hours.

  3. Drain: After the twelve hours have passed, tip the contents into a sieve or colander and leave to drain for 5 minutes. DO NOT RINSE!

  4. Blend: Place the drained buckwheat in your blender or food processor along with 250ml fresh water + salt. Blend until smooth!

  5. Fermentation: Once the mixture is smooth, pour it into a clean bowl, cover it again and set it aside on your counter for 24 hours. 

  6. Add: salt and seeds (either fold in or add to the top) and then pour the batter into a 1lb bread tin lined with grease-proof paper*.

  7. Bake: Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C fan / 350°F) with the loaf in the oven and bake for 60 minutes. Insert a toothpick to check the doneness - it should come out clean. If there is still sticky dough on the toothpick, bake for a further 5 minutes.

*Grease the baking paper! I didn’t and the bread stuck like crazy to the paper. I also tried it without baking paper, greasing the tin - and that didn’t work well either. 

Stephanie Fairbank

Holistic Health Coach, specialised in gut health and parental wellbeing, quick and efficient cooking with whole foods, based in traditional Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda.


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