Berry Crumble ~ Crisp

Berry crumble / crisp

This is a direct link to my Nordic roots, bilberry crumble (crisp). You can use the topping for any kind of fruit really, from apples & pears to peaches and cherries in the summer.

Serves 4-6



1/2 cup oats

1/2 cup sunflower/walnuts/pumpkin seeds. 

80g soft butter 

Pinch salt 

1 Tsp cinnamon 

1 Tsp cardamon 

0.5 tsp dried ginger powder 

1-2tbsp coconut sugar 


400g berries or 2 large apples + 1 large pear 

(1 tsp cinnamon - if using apple or pear) 

Zest from 1 lemon 

1-2 tbsp maple syrup or raw cane suger or coconut nectar

Juice from half lemon 


  1. Preheat your oven to 180C / 356F.

  2. If using berries blend with the potato starch, lemon zest and sweetener. If using apples/pears peel & chop up the apples & pear into small cubes, mix with spices and sweetener. Allow to sit & marinate for 30min. 

  3. Blend in a food processor to a crumble // or use hands to crumble all (later version with make the crumble more rustic).

  4. Distribute the crumble evenly over the fruit.  

  5. Bake in oven for 30-45 min till golden top & soft fruit at 180C (berries cook shorter than apples & pears).

Serve with whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, custard or coconut yoghurt.

Stephanie Fairbank

Holistic Health Coach, specialised in gut health and parental wellbeing, quick and efficient cooking with whole foods, based in traditional Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda.


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