How is your microbiome?

Well maybe let’s start with, what is your microbiome.

Our gut microbiome consists of bacteria, yeast, fungi, viruses, and archaea, which thrive in this nutrient-rich environment. Guess what - each of us has our own unique ‘macrobiotic fingerprint’ that is based on factors including our age, the environment we live in, antibiotic use, whether we were born by C-section or breastfed, our diet, and our general state of health.

70% of our immune system resides in our gut

Maybe even more…If you have a strong digestive gut flora you will have a more robust defence system against bacteria, viruses and even chronic illnesses.

The gut is our largest endocrine organ

Our endocrine system is spread through our body, and consists of tissues (mainly glands) that create and release hormones. Our gut synthesises and secretes over 20 different hormones. Amongst them mood & sleep influencing hormones such as serotonin Our gut has 500 million neurons, as reference our brain has 100 billion. The gut neurons are which are connected to our brain through nerves in your nervous system.

If you want to know exactly what your microbiome does for you, see my previous musing on the importance of your microbiome which gives a detailed summarisation on this - read here.

Signs & Symptoms of imbalance

To give you a better understanding of how important the health of your gut is here is a small fraction of the symptoms you may experience when you have an imbalance of good vs bad bacteria (called dysbiosis).

  • Gas

  • Bloating

  • Heartburn

  • Headaches

  • Hormone imbalances; PMS

  • Undigested food in your stool

  • Skin issues; Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema

  • Allergies; Hay fever, histamine intolerance

  • Weak immune system Frequent cold & Flu

  • Fatigue Low energy Longing for a nap Poor sleep

  • Food intolerances; dairy, gluten, legumes, onions, high histamine foods

  • Digestive distresses; IBS, Constipation/diarrhea, Acid reflux ,Diarrhoea, SIBO

I know it’s a big/long list…like I said, your gut really does have a big impact on many aspects of health.

If this is you, on a regular basis - do not fret. First of all, you are not alone. Connecting the dots is half the solution!

If this is you, What to do…?

Good news! You can fix it yourself with a little help from fermented foods, a focus on whole foods, creating a more respectful peaceful eating experience (and spending a little time on cultivating a positive mindset). If you need help with this - I am here, to hand hold & motivate. But this isn’t a sales pitch, its genuine wish to help you because I know how overwhelming and confusing it is to take charge of your gut health (there is a loooot of information out there, and a lot is contradictory).

To help guide you - for free, download my 10 concepts for better digestion here. Also find all the specific guidance on building a healthy gut microbiome in this past newsletter.

I’ve got more good news!

Did you know, the Intestinal wall (gut lining) renews every 5-7 days 

The human intestine is the most regenerative organ in the body. It has the ability to regenerate its lining, known as the epithelium, approximately every five to seven days. This continual cell renewal enables the epithelium to withstand the constant wear and tear it undergoes during the process of breaking down food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste.

This means you have the opportunity to improve the integrity and health of your gut every week!

Also at your disposal as a supportive tool, my 5 Step Gut Reset was literally designed to help you ‘reset’ your gut. Minimal effort, maximum good gut bacteria support. Download here. The habits I introduce here are ones you can return to again and again to helpyourself when you feel your gut needs some support.

On the other hand, if you do suffer from my serious chornic digestive issues then you have my Gut Healing Program is a bigger, which is a deeper gut healing program that goes to the root of the imbalance. Designed to tackle chronic digestive issues such as - food sensitivities, allergies, IBS, SIBO, SIFO. Download here.

I hope this is helpful to you!

Stephanie Fairbank

Holistic Health Coach, specialised in gut health and parental wellbeing, quick and efficient cooking with whole foods, based in traditional Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda.


Better Hydration


Gut Feelings are valid